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Turnaround Services

In addition to the Engineering through to Completions project support, we are pleased to offer Turnaround Consultancy Services to provide efficient Turnaround (T/A) optimisation of schedule and scope of work that can deliver vast savings for our clients and reduced Shutdown duration.


FTS are focussed on supporting key clients, aiming to enhance capability in T/A delivery with emphasis on safety, risk reduction, costs and maximizing value. T/As are a significant business event and our work will support delivery of  optimal performance in asset capability, costs and reliability.


FTS Management boast a track record of over 20+ years in blue chip operating companies, has repositioned capability and delivered benchmarked first quartile performance in these key areas.


FTS can support understanding past performance, current capability and support optimization and predictability to future events

​Please visit for further information.


Alternatively, email us at to discuss Project support options.

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